Children’s Day is celebrated to honor and recognize the importance of children in our lives, emphasizing their rights, well-being, and happiness. It serves as a reminder to nurture, protect, and support children, ensuring they grow up in a safe, loving, and encouraging environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential.
Celebrating Children’s Day also highlights the role of children as the future of society, inspiring us to invest in their education, health, and dreams.
Here the question arises, Do we prepare ourselves to fulfill all the above lines? Do we make ourselves enough aware of these all and conscious of our actions and the impact on our children?
We are not trained by anyone to face parenting struggles effectively and in a proper way so there is a little negative impact on our children. We tend our parenting through our own experiences and childhood memories where we do the things our parents and grandparents have done in the past.
We think that the path they have made and those actions they have taken is right.
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We start parenting according to them and forget that the time has changed.
Remember, our childhood days when we have no gadgets, no technology, and no burden of performance.
We impose our decisions on our children, what to eat, how to eat, what to do, and what not to do. We impose our expectations on them and lecture them all the time, “Do your homework, study hard, why you have poor marks, etc, etc, etc.”
Whether knowingly or unknowingly, we compare them with other children. We forget to understand their emotions and to teach them about emotions and emotional regulation.
We do not give them space to express their emotions. “Do not cry, stop crying. You are behaving like a child. Grow up.”
Well, I’m not saying that taking care of your child is a bad thing but try to say that think about their mental and emotional states when you have this kind of conversation.
What do they feel when you say these kinds of words? We have to be more conscious of our words and actions.
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The purpose of ‘Children’s Day’
Relearning the Concept of Parenting
There is no doubt that our intention is pure to deliver good things to our children and to control every possible thing that is connected to our children and that is not the wrong way at all.
But I have a question for you, “Do you have control of your own life?” “Can you control everything in your child’s life?” “Does your all desire fulfill? Have you achieved everything that you want to?”
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Here are some points I want to discuss on Children’s Day with all the parents out there who are willing to invest in good things in their children,
You have a blessing from eternal energy in the form of the child. Your duty is to nurture them and bring them with lots of love, compassion, and empathy.
They have the right to be grown up in a healthy environment, to be loved, and to be compassionate. Children are the future of us. They will reflect what we give them.
We are trusty that the eternal energy has chosen to take care of the little spirit, We are not the owner of our children.
It is our responsibility to nurture them and give them the environment to thrive to their potential.
Children are like soft clay from which we can mould them in a specific shape.
Childhood is a memorable part of everyone’s life. We all have memories, good, bad, worst, happy, annoying. Many of them still feel fresh in our minds.
We always like to ruminate the happy and enjoyable memories.
Now you have to decide what kind of memories you want to give to your child.
There are many hurdles in the journey of parenting but I can say confidently that I get every solution in my 16 years of parenting journey.
After all our family is all that matter. And our children complete the family.
So, give them space to emerge, and nurture them to rise possible way.
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Love is all that they want from us.
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