Generally, we talked much more about the relationship between mom and child but it doesn’t mean there is nothing in the father and child relationship. I think the relationship with the father-child is very silent like a deep-water body. A lot of things go silently without making a sound. The father’s role in parenting is as important as the mother’s.
As Children grow, they are influenced by many people like family members, neighbors, school friends, teachers, etc. But the parents are the ones most likely whom they follow. They establish a strong foundation for a child’s personality.
Mother and father have an important role in parenting as they have their uniqueness, ability, and personality. They both play a significant role in children’s lives, by giving love, warmth, and emotional support.
But Many times, the father’s role becomes more important than the mother’s because the father’s role in parenting is not only the breadwinner but much more than that.
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Here, I have tried to cover some points to show the importance of the father in parenting.
5 Significant Father’s Role in Parenting
A Role Model
A father is the first role model in the family. Children started to model their father from their childhood. You can see how they copy their father in speaking, clothing style, personality, etc. Exactly in the same way, they started to act and behave like fathers. For instance, how he speaks to others, and how he treats others and other family members, especially how he treats his spouse. This all affects their social management skill, social social-emotional skills.
Children’s physical and mental health develops well when they get the involvement of their fathers. The active father’s role in parenting has a dense impression on a child’s development and well-being.
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A Superhero
A dad is the superhero of their child not because he is strong but because they feel secure in the presence of his father. Even if he is not around them, they have feelings like my dad won’t let anything happen to them.
When a child gets a positive involvement of father in parenting a child develops strong morale as they see their father as a morale booster. The way a father supports his child develops a sense of safety and security which encourages a child to outperform in their life.
Even failure becomes a learning opportunity for those children whose fathers are involved in parenting as they know the real world where they learn failure as a learning opportunity.
Thus, a father becomes a superhero for their children as they can find solutions for every problem of the child.
A Mentor
There is no better mentor than a father for children. A father is the best mentor ever in a child’s life. As we have talked before they find solutions for every situation and he is the one who can guide a child to make the right decision.
Children always look at their father as a mentor. They think that whatever the problem is, my dad has the solution for it and guides them to the right path no matter what the problem.
So, be their guide, get regular conversations with your children, and be involved in their day-to-day lives, keep updating yourself and upgrading yourself to become the right mentor for your child.
The father’s role in parenting as a mentor gives children wings to fly and gives them the courage to explore their abilities and potential.
A Friend
Children seeking for a connection like a friend with their father. Especially teenagers and young adults. They like to be a crime partner with you. They love to enjoy adventurous activities with their father like a friend.
When a father treats them as friends, they become comfortable sharing their emotions. They start to create strong bonds like buddies. The Child feels free to explore and experiment with their father and eventually gain an emotional bond with them.
As a child grow and enter their adolescence, teenage, or a young adult they know their father is there to understand their problems and always be with them with emotional and moral support.
When you develop a friendly relationship with your child always find the warmth of your love in your hug.
The Most Lovable Person
Children have a special affection for their father. He is the most lovable person in their life. Maybe because most of the time they are not at home and whenever they have time to connect, they spend quality time together.
A father always tries to fulfill all the needs and wants of his child, and that’s why he is like a genie for his children. A father gives tremendous love to his children in the form of toys, gifts, chocolates, ice cream, and the list is never-ending.
He prioritizes their children every time no matter how hard for him. He always protects them from getting hurt and guides them with all the discipline. No matter how he gets tough on children he never goes back to love or pamper his children.
Both love each other and create an intense bond that creates an image of the most lovable person of a father.
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As you have read about the father’s role in parenting. The points that have been mentioned are just a glimpse of a father’s role, in real life, he plays more than that which is unexplainable. Being a father is a great responsibility and also a great experience. The more you deep dive the more you get as a parent.
To get connected with our children and to make them happy and successful in their life is the final goal for parents and for that, we have to put effort into our relationship.
I hope you get the value from this article. Thank you for your support and love.
Happy Parenting.
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