Vacation time is delightful for children and on the other hand a little exhausting for parents. Here are amazing activities for summer vacation with their benefits.
Because on regular days children do not have enough time to do extra activities as they are busy with school study and other curriculum activities.
Vacation time is the perfect time to focus on a child’s development when they can learn life lessons and develop their skill.
Effectively utilize these activities according to your child’s age and interest.
7 activities for children and their benefits

Sensory play
Sensory play games where your child plays with different natural elements, like water, sand, pebbles, snow, etc.
Anything that engages children in playing and where they sense these elements.
It will help children to develop fine motor skills and gross skills. This will also help children to connect with nature and also with their self.
Sensory play helps children to increase focus and learn to concentrate.
Mind games
Mindful games like tic-tac-toe, snack and ladder, chess, and Monopoly etc, are all mind games.
Mazes, puzzles, and riddles are also good choices. These all-mindful games help children to develop their intelligence and memory power.
These activities also engage them and their mindset starts to solve it wisely.
In the long term, their mindset sets as a problem solver.
Outdoor activity
Outdoor activities are a must for children as they give your child to be physically active.
In today’s time when children are stuck in gadgets, it’s preferable to give them time to play outdoor games.
Enroll them in group activities where they play with other kids and can develop their social skills.
Being physically active also helps them to be healthy.
Being physically active produces feel-good hormones like endorphins which help them to reduce stress.
Nowadays it is seen that the young generation of children experience intense levels of stress and it impacts their mental health.
Thus, you can get the importance of physical activities.
Household chores
Doing household chores together is an amazing activity. As you can spend time together and also get help from your child.
While doing household chores children also learn their responsibility and accountability.
In this way, your child learns to be independent and be able to do their own chores by themselves.
Making their wardrobe, cleaning furniture, making batter for pancakes, and mixing the ingredients. Anything that they can do, ask for help.
It also boosts their confidence level; they also feel empowered as they are now involved in household chores.
Your child feels good after helping you.
Storytelling is the best way to indulge them
Storytelling is the best way to play with their imaginary senses. They learn to be visionary, to be futuristic.
They learn the values and ethics through the story, you can actually pour positivity into their mind just by telling stories.
And I believe that the best time for storytelling is just before going to bed.
At that time, they are feeling a little tired after the playful day and still want to do something interesting. At that moment they are about to sleep and their thoughts wander in the story.
Even I enjoyed stories in my childhood so I included them in our routine to tell my son stories.
He really enjoys the storytelling time and I also enjoy every moment of that time as it is uninterrupted time with my child.
His childish questions about the story, his imagination that he explained after the story, and his crazy talk make me relaxed after a long and hectic day.
It is not just a storytelling time for me and my child but actually a therapy.
Space and time without interruption of elder person
Give your child some time to play by themselves. It is beneficial for both of you. They will learn to play by themselves and find time to explore their inner self. You too, get some time to relax when you can take your me time.
When your child has some free time, they will learn to be mindful be more productive, and learn to take risks.
Let them bore
Do not make their day full of activities. Let them get bored as the research shows that boredom makes your mind wander. And wandering mind can think out of the box, being most creative at that time.
Children will learn to focus on their minds and thoughts which makes them more creative, focused, and visionary.
I hope you will like these all activities and will get the importance. If you have other ideas about vacation activities, please share your thoughts in the comment section. Your words are really welcome.
Thank you for reading and please share this article with other parents and caregivers so that they can also learn about these activities and have the benefit of it.
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