As a parent we always want that our child grow fast and be skillfull. But sometime we forget that s/he is our child and become strict parent. We want to be good parents but by some misconception we make some mistakes.
Eventually we lost the connection with our child.
So, here are some questions for you. Ask yourself and try to improve your parenting.
Is your love being the Power key?
Your love is a crucial link between you and your child and this link can create a strong bond in your relationship.
Love is the factor that can make your relation incredible.
Sometimes overload of our expectation create tension and when they are unable to fulfil our expectation we gets upset and treat them as they are our property.
The friction gets higher and we lost the connection with our children.
To deal with this problem the key is unconditional love. No matter what is the situation, if you are angry with them or you are upset with any kind of behaviour of them.
Let them know you always loves them. Express your love and care.
Tell your child how much you love them.
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Do you know they are copying you?
Our children trying to do what we are doing. They always copy us in many things and in many ways.
Like our habits, behaviour, deeds and almost everything.
They learn from us how to speak, how to react, how to behave with others, how to control our emotions.
And that’s why they always do what we are doing not that that we are telling them.
So, if you want to change something in them first observe yourself and try to do modelling.
This is very easy task if you do it properly.
Well, modelling does not mean that you have to be model all the time.
We as humans are not perfect and cannot be consist all the time but modelling in many ways works well with children. Try to change your habits first then after work on your child.
Along with remember, Children learn from anywhere, friends, neighbour, family member but you as a parent are special and they trust you, follow you, keep that thing in your mind.
Do you Listen them carefully?
Children are always eager to talk about their thoughts.
They like to tells all the things from their surrounding and most of the time we miss this opportunity.
We are stuck in our life and that’s why we ignore our child’s talks. This gone be big mistake as a parent.
When they see that we are not interested in their talks they feel ignored and after sometime they will not do same.
By their so-called little things, we can peep in their life, we can understand about their emotion, daily chores, problems and much more.
They are so excited to share their experiences with you so never miss the opportunity to listen them carefully with eye contact.
The bonus advantage of listening is that your relation gets stronger than never before.
Are you always around them to take care?
We as a parent always want to make our child intelligent, strong and allrounder
We forget that our child is also an individual person and a human being.
We should understand that as a child they also need some me time to relax and the time where we are not interfering them.
I’m not telling you to not took care of your peanut but just saying that let them enjoy the way that they love.
At least for a while give them free space. This makes them relax and comfortable.
Is there generation gap or something else?
Many people said that there is generation gap between parent and child all the time,
but this gap most probably created by us.
We thought that they have not more experiences than us and our children want experience everything that lying on their way.
We are trying to secure them and impose them to do what we say. Well, that may be right for you but it’ll stifles them.
Here generates big problem and cause gaps between us.
So, let them guide instead of lecturing. You feel miracle when you are being flexible with your child.
Keep an eye on them so they do not go astray but do not hold anything inertially that cause annoyances.
Do you correct them every time?
If you observe your child, you will notice that they are doing something very interesting but we always focus on their mistakes instead of acknowledge for their work.
We are trying to make them perfect all the time. Forget the fact that no one is perfect so our child is.
We mostly correcting them rather than acknowledging for their efforts. That is our biggest mistake as a parent.
Do you know they are seeking for your quality time?
Today’s hectic life makes us too tired and busy.
Our mobile has become distraction for all of us.
Our spending time with our family and specially with our children gets shorter.
Already we are living a busy life and there is no time left for our children.
The quantity of time is getting shorter day by day.
So, try to steal some time and spend it qualitatively with your children.
It would be some story time, their favourite activity or just random talks of their school or friends.
They would love to spend time with you. Try to make this time more fun and it would be your stress buster after a long, busy and tired day.
These all are the techniques you can use to improve yourself as a parent and it make your relationship with your child stronger than ever. There is a lot more things out there but these are so basic techniques that you can use if your child is toddler, preteen, teenager or adult.
Thanks for some useful tips about family👪
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